MMX Lifeline Introduction

A few weeks back my wife, son and I went to an Arabian horse show here in town.


We happened to meet a nice lady whose husband is legally blind from birth. He's also an absolute genius! Anyway, she gave me a card and briefly told us about this product her husband has invented and created. WOW! I immediately saw what an amazing product it is.

I met with him, the inventor and owner. What an amazing man. I mentioned my idea of wanting to help get their business going.


I offered to help them with their marketing for free if need be.

They have a young company and are dealing with some growing pains like most small companies usually face. Right now they're gearing up to produce 20 units per week.The product he came up with is a HF Radio device that is VERY UNIQUE. It has a: 


built-in Battery, 
Tune Mode, 
Solar panel and more! 
You just type your message in. The unit converts your text to Morse Code and sends it out on HF Radio. When the recipient sends the message back in Morse Code the unit converts it to text so you can read it on your screen. 

You may already see the significance of such an invention. If not, here's what I see. Maybe you will too.



With all of the talk about days of communication darkness, the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System), natural or "unnatural" disasters; wouldn't it be comforting to know you could have communication about vital information needed for the survival of yourself, your family, friends and neighbors?

Wouldn't it give you a secure feeling to know you can actually accomplish all of this and be ready for what the future may hold?

Introducing the MMX LifeLine device. Your NEW and AMAZING communication device.


Think about it for a moment. You just woke up to a total disaster. EVERYWHERE!

Phone lines and internet cables are down.

Cell towers are down.

There's no power so no internet.

Television screens are nothing but snowy contrast, if they even turn on.

And radio stations may be silent.

We don't know yet if an X class solar flare would take out all satellites.

Sure, people with sat phones can send and receive calls but only to other sat phones they know the numbers for. They won't be able to call any of the numbers on any service that is down. Wouldn't you agree that is too limiting in a survival situation? So sat phones are NOT the answer.

You might be thinking, "What about VHF/UHF Ham Radios?" Ham Radio is great during normal traffic.


It's a whole different story in a real state of emergency. VHF/UHF Ham radio repeaters have only one line for all of the local users. When there's a state of emergency and everyone is trying to get on to use that one line. Well, it's a virtual traffic jam.

GMRS – General Mobile Radio Service is simplex, line of sight with control issues. Very Limited.

That's why HF Radio - High Frequency Radio is the answer. It bounces off of the ionosphere and requires NO infrastructure. The band width is wide enough to allow many people on at the same time.

HF Radio used to be reserved for the few people who knew Morse Code.

Your new MMX LifeLine device changes all of that!

All you have to do is reach into your black bag, pull out your new PREPPCOMM LifeLine device and turn it on. You type in your message. Then your new PREPPCOMM LifeLine device automatically converts your message text into Morse Code and sends it out.

When you get a message back in Morse Code your MMX LifeLine device converts the Morse Code back to text and it's displayed on your device's screen.

Isn't this wonderful?!   You don't need to know Morse Code!

You can "listen" to others when they send open messages. You can find new friends and contacts around the world and get first hand information from real people with boots on the ground.

Even if there's no disaster where you live, isn't it exciting to see how a whole NEW world is now open to you?!

Another bonus is this device works on NON ionizing radiation frequency. That means it won't harm you or those you love.

Wouldn't it be comforting to know that if and when disaster strikes, when all other forms of news and communication are dead in the water, you'll have your PREPPCOMM LifeLine device safely waiting and ready to go?

You may be wondering what you need and how to get started so here's a short list.

1. You'll need your very own MMX LifeLine device. I'll tell you where that is available in just a bit.

2. If you already have a VHF/UHF Ham Radio , you may already have a usable antenna. If you don't have a VHF/UHF Ham radio already set up, you'll need to get a usable antenna that matches the system. I can show you some great options and where to get them in a little while.

3. If you don't already have an FCC license to operate a VHF/UHF Ham Radio, then you'll need to get at least the simplest, easiest FCC License, a "Technician Level License." I'll also show you where you can go online to learn all you need to know to pass the test and get that license shortly. It's all on the web site we'll get to soon.


Before you decide that's too much to go through or more than you want to deal with, let me describe something that already happened back in history.


In the past I always kind of chuckled and shrugged it off every time I heard what I considered to be hype about solar flares coming our way. That is, until I learned what actually happened in real life, in the 1800s.

In 1859, yes, 165 years ago at the time of this writing, there was an X-Class solar flare known as the Carrington Event. We've had near misses since that time. If a solar flare of that magnitude hits the earth directly, could it melt power lines, blow transformers and fry every electronic device that is connected to a wall socket? We don't know for sure. Couldn't it also start fires in homes, offices, schools and businesses everywhere? 

The story I got was that in 1859 it shocked the fingers of telegraph operators and in some cases started fires in telegraph offices. One source said it even melted some telegraph wires. Keep in mind, the telegraph was the most and probably the only electronic device in use 165 years ago.

What about the threats of EMF weapons being detonated above us?

Apparently Russia has done testing. They measured MASSIVE amperage spikes in underground wires. Rest assured, if it can cause huge spikes in underground wires it can also affect above ground wires and whatever is connected to them.

Would a disaster like this send us back into the dark ages? I hope we never find out.

I don't want to be a doom and gloom kind of guy here. That's NOT who or how I am. I just want as many people as possible to be prepared for the kinds or real possibilities we face in this day and age. How about you?

Wouldn't you rather be informed and prepared than clueless and scared?

All things considered, when disaster strikes, wouldn't you rather be a connected person in the know?

If you would love to change your life, have more control of things if and when disaster strikes and get a special discount, you're in the right place.

Don't let this special introductory price get away. The manufacturer's suggested retail price is $899.00 Right now you can get this amazing device for only $688.00 plus shipping.

Only available in the US of A  at this time.

Keep in mind that they're selling these way below the normal MFSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price.) I don't know how long that will last.