MMX Morse Transceiver Reference Manual
PDF files for the MMX Reference Manual and the MMX/ZERO Quick Start Guide are of course made available in the Document Library under the website Resources menu item. However, some people prefer paper! Note that ePub versions also are available, which can be used in a Kindle or other document readers.
Version 1.2
This is version 1.2 of the Reference Manual, and has many improvements. Besides being in full color, it is also printed in a beautiful bound version on glossy paper like a magazine, only with heavier paper. And, it's 30% lighter than the original edition!
Many errors were corrected from the original edition, and more information was added. However, please note the following:
The Quick Start Guide, version 1.2, has also gone through even more major revisions, so it is now set up for both the MMX Morse Transceiver and ZERO. Use the Reference Manual for .... reference. When you need more info. Use the Quick Start Guide to get everything set up and running, and to learn basics.