PreppComm ɑ End Fed NO TUNE 80/40/20 Antenna
Unlike the PreppComm NO TUNE 40/20 antenna, which is a complete system for rapid deploy and repacking, this end fed is designed for permanent installation. However, it is also possible to use in a temporary setup by providing the needed additional components (not included). The antenna can be used without a tuner with a reasonable SWR, or perfect SWR if you add an antenna tuner (not included). The antenna is approximately 60 feet long, and supports 250W PEP SSB, 125W CW, and 25W digital.
The antenna can achieve good SWR at 80M, even though the antenna is approximately the same length as our NO TUNE 40/20 antenna, which only operates on 40 and 20 meters. This is due to a different transformer design. The SWR performance is actually better at 80M (SWR = 2.1) than at 40M (SWR = 2.7), but gets better at 20M (SWR = 2.2). All of these SWR’s will be sufficiently low for the MMX series to operate safely. If a tuner is used, then the SWR can be adjusted very close to 1:1.
The antenna comes with two terminals to attach the wires, and an eye bolt on the other side of the main transformer, along with the RF connector. The antenna wire attaches to the two terminals, and ends with insulators at the other end. The antenna is rigged using the eye bolt and the insulators via non-conductive support cables (not included).
Deploy the antenna in a sloper configuration (low near the transceiver, high at the other end, perhaps via a tree and support line) or horizontal configuration at least 6’ off the ground. A sloper configuration will provide both NVIS and DX functionality, while horizontal near the ground will primarily provide NVIS operation. For DX focus, install in a horizontal configuration as high as possible. Keep at least 6’ from trees, buildings and foliage for best results. Use longer support lines to the included insulators and the eye bold on the main transformer unit to keep antenna free from obstacles..The feed line attaches via a PL-239 plug on the support end of the transformer.
Antenna is shipped separately from a separate location. The shipping cost is included in the price.