PreppComm DMX to MMX Upgrade
PreppComm DMX to MMX Upgrade
PreppComm DMX to MMX Upgrade
PreppComm DMX to MMX Upgrade
PreppComm transceivers MMX Nomad HF Radio Station
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, PreppComm DMX to MMX Upgrade
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, PreppComm DMX to MMX Upgrade
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, PreppComm DMX to MMX Upgrade
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, PreppComm DMX to MMX Upgrade
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, PreppComm transceivers MMX Nomad HF Radio Station

Upgrade your MMX to an MMX Nomad!

We swap your MMX for a BRAND NEW MMX Nomad!

Required from you: a MMX in excellent condition and working order, along with its lid, sent at your cost, to us.  

If your MMX is not in excellent condition, we can repair it and send you an invoice. You always have the right to request a return to you at your cost. Replacement external parts, such as panels and the cabinet are not expensive.

Here are the steps:

1. Purchase the option you need by selecting which MMX you are upgrading.

2. Send in your MMX and keyboard only, not anything else.  Include the Order Number for the upgrade on a sheet of paper inside the box, along with your name and address.  Ship to

MMX Upgrade ℅ PreppComm
130 McGhee Rd Ste 220
Sandpoint, ID 83864

3. We will unpack and review and test your MMX.  If there are any problems, such as scratched panels, cracks in the case, malfunctioning electronics, or damaged connectors, we will contact you. The MMX must be brought up to a standard quality that we can refurbish and resell in order for this to work for both you and us.

4. We will build you a brand NEW MMX Nomad. NOTE: YOU MAY HAVE TO WAIT FOR SOME PERIOD OF TIME AS THERE IS A LIMIT OF HOW MANY MMX NOMADS CAN BE SOLD AS UPGRADES PER WEEK! Maybe contact us via Contact Us page to see when to order...

5. We will ship your NEW MMX Nomad back to you by UPS, at our cost.

You receive a full 1 year warranty to cover your new MMX Nomad.  Get the benefits of multiple bands and an improved power supply, TUNE mode, High Power mode, Built-in Battery Bank, a great enclosure, and a Mini Go Bat with our folding Solar Panel at a great price!


International Orders

Be aware that by purchasing a product from the USA will require going through customs in your country, and typically you may be required to pay duty on your order. Check with your local authorities for details. Also note that if your country uses the VAT tax system, VAT taxes will also apply. Finally, UPS also typically charges a fee for handling the collection of duties and taxes. USPS does not, but their shipments take longer. We suggest you use HS Code 8517.62.00 and note it is an Amateur Radio Product Upgrade for Customs purposes.

MMX to Nomad Upgrade

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The MMX Morse Code Transceiver is a new product, so we do not have any user comments yet.
  • Finally, the true power of the DMX-40 GUI and programming released by a multi-band, card caged transceiver motherboard!
  • Same amazing feature set as DMX-40, but now with multiple bands!
  • Simple GUI for multi-band operation.  The Frequency Button is also the Band button!
  • Unparalleled Decoder Capability in Noisy Environments:  With its unique signal processing algorithms, the Morse Code decoder outperforms all others.
  • Type and Read in English:  Use the included QWERTY keyboard to type, while hearing outgoing and in incoming Morse Code, aiding in learning the code subconsciously.
  • (Optional) Learn Morse Code:  The included Morse Code Key-In capability with built-in decoder testing aids in learning the Code.
  • Automated Send/Receive Protocols:  Enter your call sign and other information for station setup.  Remote station call sign captures automatically.  All call and answer protocols are automatic – you only type your message.  Or change the protocol via built-in micro-program editor.
  • Set your maximum comfortable typing speed:  While the MMX can send very fast, it’s best to limit speed so you don’t starve the transmitter.  A unique feature that maximizes the use of the type-ahead buffer in transmit mode calculates your comfortable typing speed automatically.
  • Super Power Micro-programming System:  Besides simple automating common text segments, the micro-programming system allows control over the transmitter, enabling many advanced features.  12 micro-programs up to 60 characters each.


Click Here for a Complete Features List

  • Multi-band:  up to three bands supported via a three-slot card cage on the motherboard.  Auto-sensing and auto-selecting via sense/select hardware on the motherboard  - any slot for any plug-in band board.  Use the Frequency button on the Main screen to select which band card to use.  Currently available bands are detected automatically and offered via the Frequency button.  80, 40, and 20 meter band boards are currently available.
  • Advanced Direct Conversion SDR Receiver: with custom filter, balanced mixer, and low-noise preamp giving sensitivity 0.3µV, -118 dBm or better
  • GUI: 3.5″ color touchscreen LCD
  • Weight: 11 oz with protective lid
  • Size: 3.8″ x 5.2″ x (1.3″ w/o lid, 2.25″ w/lid)
  • Power Consumption, receive:  1.4/0.96 watt, LCD backlight ON/OFF
  • 80 meter band:  3.5 MHz - 4.0 MHz. SWL range: 2.45 - 5.6 MHz
  • 40 meter band:  7.0 MHz - 7.3 MHz. SWL range: 4.9 MHz - 10.22 MHz
  • 20 meter band:  14 MHz - 14.35 MHz.  SWL range: 9.8 MHz - 20.09 MHz
  • 80M Power Output @ 13.8V:  approx. 2 W, 350 ma (key down)
  • 40M Power Output @ 13.8V:  approx. 3 W, 500 ma (key down)
  • 20M Power Output @ 13.8V: approx. 1.5W, 350 ma (key down)
  • Key up power @ 13.8V: approx. 110 ma, 1.5 watts (LCD ON)


The MMX Morse Code Transceiver combines a state-of-the-art decoder, a color touchscreen graphical user interface (GUI), a Software-Defined Receiver (SDR) and a QRP (Low Power) transmitter, all powered off of a 12V power source, packed into a small, lightweight and very portable package. The decoder uses innovative digital and analog signal processing circuitry and algorithms to overcome the typical noise found in most real band operating conditions.GUI for countless features

The GUI includes a full menu system, and 28 unique graphic screens to accomplish an amazing set of features, some not found in transceivers at any price.  SDR receiver sensitivity is -118 dBm.


Automated functioning

Computer automation simplifies the process of calling and interacting with automated station ID’s and remote station call sign capture. The built-in automation can be user-modified using the powerful microprogramming language RPL (Rig Programming Language), with unique capabilities.


Multi-Band via Plug-in Band Boards

The MMX includes three plug-in slots for band boards.  From 1 to 3 bands can be directly supported.  Currently available:  80, 40, and 20 meter band cards.


Operate on any band

Operating modes include normal transceiver mode and the unique External Mode, which allows operation with an external transceiver. Using this feature, operation an any band with the full decode and encode function, including automation, is possible.

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